Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hey everyone, I know it's been a week since my last post and I feel really, really bad.  Ok, so not that bad, but I do want to write a lot more frequently.  Just getting into the swing of this blog thing.

I just want to do a simple post today.  A few unwritten etiquette practices for anyone going to the gym for the first time and feeling a little uncomfortable.  Hopefully these can make you feel a little less self-conscious, because let's face it, going to the gym for lots of people is hard enough without worrying about doing something "wrong".  Also a lot of people just have no idea because no one has told them these esoteric set of "rules".  Use them or not, that's up to you.  But you may suffer some evil glares if you choose to ignore them.  You have been warned.

1.  This one is pretty basic, but you would be surprised by the amount of people who seem to forget.  Take the weights off any plate loaded piece of equipment and put any dumbbells back where you got them from.  If you are strong enough to use them, you are strong enough to put them back where they belong.  This ties into my next tip.

2.  If you see weights on a barbell or machine, it usually means someone is using it.  Wait a few minutes to see if someone comes back or ask someone in the area if they have seen anyone on it.  This is also another reason to put your weights away.  A non-verbal message to let other gym goers know you are finished.  Also, as a side note, if it looks like you just had a bath on the bench/equipment; wipe it down.

3.  Another one is don't grab a set of dumbbells and then stand RIGHT in front of the rack where you got them.  That really annoys people and it's just plain inconsiderate.  Move at least 5 feet back.

4.  Don't walk in front of the mirror if someone is clearly using it.  I don't really recommend relying on a mirror to know if you are doing an exercise correctly or not, but nonetheless it can be dangerous and aggravating to the person lifting.  Using a mirror is fine to check your form or depth but there is something called proprioception which is essentially the awareness of your own body in a spatial domain.  So it is a good idea to try and develop that as you get more advanced.

5.  Don't be afraid to ask someone for help on how to use a machine or even do an exercise properly.  The guy with his headphones in and smashing his head off the barbell is probably not the guy to ask.  Most people, however, don't mind answering a question or two.  Also, don't ask someone as they are in the bottom position of a squat... that may be slightly distracting.

6.  Be safe and have fun.  These things aren't something to really focus on, just be aware of and hopefully make you a little more comfortable around the gym.  As a final thought about being safe, please don't do this exercise or anything that looks remotely similar.

Thanks guys and leave a comment about things that have made you squirm a little bit at the gym or a question you have about anything gym related really.  Bye for now!

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